20 Nov 2013, 12:22 pm Print

They carried flags which read "Last Decision of Bhopal Victims, Vote for Last Button, Vote for NOTA" This rally was staged in Bhopal Uttar constituency where majority of the voters are either gas victims or their children.
Five organizations working among the survivors of the Union Carbide disaster has recently launched a campaign to educate gas affected voters in the city about the NOTA option of rejection all candidates in the forthcoming elections.
There was massive support from the onlookers and passers by who expressed their support with NOTA option. A catchy song on NOTA has also been designed to make the voters understand the betrayal of 29 years by both political parties.
Bhopal survivors are planning another rally in the Bhopal Narela constitutency which is also a seriously gas affected area. In addition to this several public meetings are being held in gas affected areas and through the public announcement system charges against the governments under both parties are being presented.
Many young and new voters who are also children of gas victims also seem enthused with the NOTA option and feel that through this button they can vent their anger towards the apathy of both political parties who have denied gas victims their right of living a life with dignity.
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