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Israel-Gaza crisis: IDF says Hamas aerial array chief Asem Abu Rakaba killed

Just Earth News | @justearthnews | 28 Oct 2023, 07:27 am Print

Israel-Gaza crisis: IDF says Hamas aerial array chief Asem Abu Rakaba killed

Air strikes have devastated much of the north of Gaza Photo Courtesy: UNRWA/Mohammed Hinnawi

The Israel Defense Forces on Saturday confirmed the killing of Hamas’ aerial array chief Asem Abu Rakaba during a strike on his hideout in Gaza.

IDF said he was responsible for Hamas' UAVs, drones, paragliders, aerial detection and defence.

IDF posted on X "Overnight, IDF fighter jets struck Asem Abu Rakaba, the Head of Hamas' Aerial Array."

"He took part in planning the October 7 massacre and commanded the terrorists who infiltrated Israel on paragliders and was responsible for the drone attacks on IDF posts," read the post.

Meanwhile, the United Nations General Assembly on Friday adopted a major resolution on the Gaza crisis, calling for an “immediate, durable and sustained humanitarian truce leading to a cessation of hostilities.”

The resolution breaks the deadlock at the UN over a response to the Israel-Palestine crisis which erupted on 7 October, where Member States on the Security Council have failed to reach agreement on four draft resolutions.

Voting result

The breakdown of the recorded vote, conducted shortly before 4 PM (New York time), included 120 members in favour and 14 against, with 45 abstentions.

As decided by the General Assembly in earlier in the day, the resolution required a two-thirds majority of members present and voting to be adopted.

Click here to see the list of members voting.

Protect civilians and humanitarians

In the resolution “protection of civilians and upholding legal and humanitarian obligations”, the Assembly, also demanded that all parties “immediately and fully comply” with obligations under international humanitarian and human rights laws, “particularly in regard to the protection of civilians and civilian objects.”

It also urged the protection of humanitarian personnel, persons hors de combat, and humanitarian facilities and assets, and to enable and facilitate humanitarian access for essential supplies and services to reach all civilians in need in the Gaza Strip.”

Furthermore, the resolution called for rescinding of the order by Israel, “the occupying Power”, for Palestinian civilians, UN staff and humanitarian workers to evacuate all areas in the Gaza Strip north of Wadi Gaza and relocate to the south.

Release all civilians

The General Assembly also called for the “immediate and unconditional release” of all civilians being illegally held captive, demanding their safety, well-being and humane treatment in compliance with international law.

It also reaffirmed that a “just and lasting solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can only be achieved by peaceful means, based on the relevant UN resolutions and in accordance with international law, and on the basis of the two-State solution.

The Assembly also decides to adjourn the tenth emergency special session temporarily and to authorize the President of the General Assembly at its most recent session to resume its meeting upon request from Member States.