Washington, Dec 14 (JEN) UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Friday called on the international community to hold accountable those responsible for the use of chemical weapons in Syria, following the findings of a United Nations team that such weapons were used on several occasions at multiple sites against both civilians and military targets. more
Ban makes radio appeal to CAR to end bloodshed

Washington, Dec 14 (JEN) UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon took to the airwaves on Friday to make a personal appeal to the citizens of the strife-torn Central African Republic (CAR) to end th ...

Lebanon: UN ramps up winter aid for Syrian refugees

New York, Dec 13 (JEN): The United Nations and its humanitarian partners are ramping up efforts to assist more than 800,000 Syrian refugees in Lebanon who are facing the onslaught of cold we ...

Syria: UN reports more cases of chemical weapons use

New York, Dec 13 (JEN): The United Nations team probing the use of chemical weapons in Syria, which in September found “clear and convincing evidence” of Sarin gas attacks against civili ...

UN concerned over Israeli demolitions in Jordan valley

New York, Dec 12 (JEN): A senior United Nations humanitarian official Wednesday voiced concern as Israeli demolitions in the Jordan Valley resulted in the displacement of 41 people, includi ...

UN seeks support to assist internally displaced people

New York, Dec 12 (JEN): The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Wednesday appealed for greater global support to assist the almost 30 million people around the world who are forci ...

UNSC hears criticism over inaction in Darfur crisis

New York, Dec 12 (JEN): It is “an understatement” to say the victims of Sudan’s Darfur conflict have lost all hope, the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) said ...

Somalia: UN urges crisis-response to tackle terrorism

New York, Dec 11 (JEN): The top United Nations official in Somalia Tuesday, briefing the Security Council from Mogadishu, said that a comprehensive political, military and development appro ...

UN alarmed at deteriorating humanitarian situation in CAR

New York, Dec 10 (JEN): The United Nations says that aid agencies in the Central African Republic (CAR) remain preoccupied by the alarming deterioration of the humanitarian situation, partic ...

UN urges support for relief efforts in Philippines

New York, Dec 7 (JEN): One month after Typhoon Haiyan churned through the Philippines, the breadth of the damage is still unfolding and the needs for the millions of people affected by the s ...