Climate Change
New York, July 15 (JEN) UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has appointed former Irish President Mary Robinson as his Special Envoy for Climate Change to mobilize political will and action ahead of the climate summit that the United Nations chief will convene in September. more
UN officials call for restoration of ecosystems to reduce climate change disasters

New York, June 18 (JEN) Marking the World Day to Combat Desertification, United Nations officials Wednesday emphasized the importance of restoring degrading lands to avoid or soften the pote ...

UN seeks global cooperation for battle against climate change

New York, May 30 (JEN): The head of the United Nations agency on human settlements on Thursday said he hoped thousands of cities around the world will join forces to sign a compact to streng ...

Abu Dhabi: Ban urges bold leadership on climate change

New York, May 6 (JEN): With the ominous and costly impacts of climate change profoundly evident, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned on Monday that too many stakeholders are ...

UN urges support for climate action in developing countries

New York, May 1 (JEN): Highlighting local climate action happening on the ground in developing countries, the top United Nations climate official on Wednesday called for greater internation ...

UN seeks sustainable food systems to adapt climate change

New York, Apr 24 (JEN): Countries need to shift to more sustainable food systems to adapt to the effects of climate change, the Director-General of the United Nations Food and Drug Organizat ...

Ban welcomes report on mitigation of climate change

New York, Apr 14 (JEN): United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon welcomed the findings of a long-awaited United Nations report on the mitigation of climate change released earlier on Sun ...

Washington: Ban urges action towards climate action

New York, Apr 12 (JEN): United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon attended on Friday the Climate Leaders’ Summit in Washington, D.C., recalling the importance of keeping global warming ...

Ban congratulates Prague on climate change preparedness

New York, Apr 5 (JEN): During his official visit in the Czech Republic’s capital, United Nations Secretary-General congratulated the city of Prague for its new protection system against fl ...

Ban urges action to curb impacts of climate change

New York, Apr 4 (JEN): From the tropics to the poles, from small islands to large continents, and from the poorest countries to the wealthiest, the ominous signs of climate change are profou ...