A new study, led by the University of Massachusetts Amherst, reveals that the wealthiest Americans, those whose income places them in the top 10% of earners, are responsible for 40% of the nation’s total greenhouse gas emissions. more
Act now to slow climate change and protect the planet, urges UN chief

New York: The ozone layer – a fragile shield of gas that protects the Earth from the harmful rays of the sun – is “on the road to recovery”, the UN chief said on T ...

Ground-breaking clean air protocol to guard human health and the planet, enters into force

New York: European and North American countries will take a major stride in cleaning up the atmosphere next Monday, 7 October, through the implementation of an amended legally binding tre ...

Planet at risk of heading towards “Hothouse Earth” state

New York: An international team of scientists has published a study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) showing that even if the carbon emission reductions called fo ...

A bio-based, reuse economy can feed the world and save the planet – UN agency

New York: Transforming pineapple skins into product packaging or using potato peels for fuel may sound far-fetched, but such innovations are gaining traction as it becomes clear that an e ...