Just Earth News | @justearthnews | 26 Mar 2020, 12:43 am Print

With the Chinese government reporting much less number of COVID 19 infection in recent times and unleashing a massive propaganda to clear itself from the global catastrophe it unlocked, experts have questioned the figures and are asking whether Beijing is attempting to make a massive coverup of numbers and its original sin. Well, the message to the world is also now loud and clear: maintain not just social distance with China, but also an economic distance.
The deadly infection, which is believed to have first originated from China's Wuhan city, has now spread across the globe with death toll increasing exponentially.
Virus, lies and economic reality
An article published by National Review said an accurate sharing of information about the disease by China could have helped the world prepare for the oncoming danger of infection.
"Clearly, the U.S. government’s response to this threat was not nearly robust enough, and not enacted anywhere near quickly enough. Most European governments weren’t prepared either. Few governments around the world were or are prepared for the scale of the danger. We can only wonder whether accurate and timely information from China would have altered the way the U.S. government, the American people, and the world prepared for the oncoming danger of infection," reported the newspaper.
Giving a cue about what the world might perform in future to avoid another Chinese made catastrophe from hitting them, US newspaper The Washington Post in an Opinion piece by Marc A. Thiessen said it is time to maintain social distancing from China.
"Americans are practicing social distancing to stop the spread of the coronavirus that the Chinese regime’s lies and mismanagement unleashed onto the world. It may also be time to start practicing social — and economic — distancing from China as well," reported The Washignton Post piece titled "It’s time to practice social and economic distancing from China".
China’s dictatorship bears ultimate responsibility for the pandemic lockdown that is crushing our economy. Axios reports that if China had acted just three weeks earlier to contain the virus rather than suppress information about it, “the number of coronavirus cases could have been reduced by 95 percent and its geographic spread limited," the newspaper reported further.
The newspaper said the global pandemic also exposed how countries like America depend on China.
"The current pandemic has exposed the fact that we are dependent on China for everything from iPhones and computers to clothing and footwear —supply chains that have been disrupted by the coronavirus outbreak. It’s one thing to depend on China for cheap T-shirts and sneakers. It’s another to depend on a brutal communist dictatorship for life-saving drugs and the communications infrastructure that will undergird the 21st-century economy," reported The Washington Post.
It concluded: "The Chinese government’s complicity in the coronavirus pandemic is an opportunity for the United States to reevaluate its economic ties to Beijing and develop alternative supply chains for medicines and critical technology. China’s lies about a virus have us hurtling toward a recession. It is time to immunize our economy and national security from our dependence on a deceitful regime."
Not only the US, a British writer also blamed the Communist regime in China for the outbreak of the disease which has hit economic conditions across the globe.
In his Youtube post, Pat Condell said, "When it first emerged in the city of Wuhan, a responsible government would have dealt with it decisively. But, the Chinese Communist Party covered it up to save face, until it was too late to contain it."
He added: "They arrested (those) who talked about it. They refused all offers of outside help because saving face is more important to them than saving lives. The Chinese Communist Party is directly responsible for every death from the deadly Wuhan virus that they have inflicted on the world."
He attacked Chinese leader Xi Jinping for his irresponsible act and said: "So, it seems that President Xi Jinping of China knew about the Wuhan Coronavirus weeks before he did anything about it. Maybe he was busy with important things than human life. May be he has crossword to finish, who knows?"
"Let's not rush to judgement. As most people know by now, the Chinese communist party has infected the world with the deadly virus, the Wuhan coronavirus, which has killed thousands of people and caused unprecedented worldwide panic and lockdown that will likely devastate the global economy," Condell said.
The Chinese Virus
"It's important to call this the Wuhan virus, -- or the Chinese virus as (United States) President (Donald) Trump would have it -- because as Confucius would say, it's important to call a thing by its proper name," he said.
He said the entire virus episode has shown that Chinese people cannot be trusted.
In her report published in Asianlite, hinting a coverup done by Beijing, journalist Aarti Tikoo Singh said the number of deaths in the country as revealed by the Chinese government could be much less than the original situation.
"The Xi Jinping government which controls all the news and information, claims that 3,270 people have died and 81,093 infected in China due to COVID-19, which originated in Wuhan city of Hubei province. However, several Chinese civilians have leaked out videos and documents disputing these numbers, with many pointing to the drop in cellphone users by 21 million in the last three months," she reported.
Chinese blogger based in New York, Jennifer Zeng also highlighted how the number of mobile phone users have reduced over the past few days.
"Data of China Mobile since 2017 Column 1-5 are date, total users, net monthly growth, net cumulative growth of the year, 4G & 5G users. One can see that total users kept growing until Dec 2019. Then it lost 862K users in Jan and 7.254M in Feb. 8.118M net loss in 2020. #CCPVirus," she said.
Data of China Mobile since 2017
— Jennifer Zeng 曾錚 (@jenniferatntd) March 21, 2020
Column 1-5 are date, total users, net monthly growth, net cumulative growth of the year, 4G & 5G users
One can see that total users kept growing until Dec 2019. Then it lost 862K users in Jan and 7.254M in Feb. 8.118M net loss in 2020. #CCPVirus pic.twitter.com/2LkEXjlVle
The Original Sin and CCP's propaganda overdrive
Meanwhile, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has mounted a full scale propaganda to absolve itself from all responsibilities.
Jabin T Jacob, Associate Professor, Department of International Relations and Governance Studies, Shiv Nadar University, writes in moneycontrol.com: "There is an effort to magnify the scale and scope of China’s mitigation efforts. Hitherto, China had used its economic might and political heft to ensure that the World Health Organization (WHO) kept Taiwan out of the membership of the world body.
"After the virus outbreak, Beijing has also been able to prevent any WHO criticism of China’s actions. A joint WHO-China report on the coronavirus disease was practically hagiographic in tone, talking about how China had 'rolled out perhaps the most ambitious, agile and aggressive disease containment effort in history' and that the measures China has adopted are 'the only measures that are currently proven to interrupt or minimize transmission chains in humans',” he writes.
According to NOQ Report, "at the forefront of that effort is Lijan Zhao, a mouthpiece for Xi Jinping and his band of thugs, who has been burning up the Twitterverse with all kinds of laughable claims to that effect."
He’s on an overdrive to dispel the widespread belief of the origin of the virus from China. He recently tweeted: "3/6 Chinese Spox: WHO believes that we should avoid calling #COVID19 “Chinese virus”. “This is the time for facts, not fear. This is the time for science, not rumours. This is the time for solidarity, not stigma.”
However pat come responses on Twitter.
One Hammerjack @MarcGiller replied to the post: "It originated in China. It was covered up by the Chinese government. It was allowed to spread to the world by the Chinese government. The Chinese government is responsible. It is the Chinese Virus."
It originated in China.
— Hammerjack (@MarcGiller) March 24, 2020
It was covered up by the Chinese government.
It was allowed to spread to the world by the Chinese government.
The Chinese government is responsible. It is the Chinese Virus.
As Professor Jacob writes: "The pandemic is also seen as offering an opportunity for China to push CCP General Secretary and Chinese President Xi Jinping’s rhetoric of a 'community of common destiny' — part of the narrative of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) — as a way of framing China’s help to the outside world. Calling Xi, 'commander-in-chief of China’s war against COVID-19' now that the epidemic is apparently within control inside China is also about reinforcing not just his leadership supremacy at home but offering him as a model for other leaders and peoples around the world."
However, the world, which has so far (till March 26) registered 21,295 deaths with a total of 4,71,468 cases of coronavirus infection, is calling out at China, finally.
Images: Max Anderson / Zhang Kenny: Unsplash; Internet Wallpapers
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